TVL 2023 年最大区块链竞赛:谁赢了? (不包括以太坊)

2013年,区块链平台的锁定总价值(TVL)排名发生了巨大变化,新的影响因素出现。虽然以太坊仍然是无可争议的领导者,但其他区块链网络表现突出,引起市场关注。同时,一些加密货币的价格出现显着上涨,尽管TVL与价格之间并不总是有直接相关性。根据Coin98 Analytics的数据,2023年底锁定总价值最高的区块链平台是Tron,紧随其后的是Arbitrum和Solana。虽然以太坊的价值接近300亿美元,但其他新的区块链网络出现并改变了格局。例如,Coinbase的第二层解决方案Base于八月面世,其TVL逐渐增加,到年底达到近4.4亿美元。此外,新兴区块链网络Blast以超过10亿美元的TVL排名第五,但在今年11月发生网络钓鱼攻击,受害者损失超过13万美元。此外,Solana和Cardano等加密货币的价格也出现显着上涨。尽管TVL的上升可能是造成这些峰值的一个因素,但这种关系并不总是成正比。 Locking total value is the total amount of encrypted assets stored in a specific DeFi protocol, which may be considered a sign of trust and stability in the relevant network. On the other hand, the rise in TVL may be the result of a bull market, in which case new funds do not enter the ecosystem but the value of locked assets also rises with the price. In the spotlight: Solana and Cardano - Due to the achievements of these two networks at the end of the year, they have recently attracted special attention from industry participants. Solana's Google search volume surpassed Ethereum in mid-December, becoming more popular in countries such as Spain and the Philippines. It also surpassed its competitors in the field of non-fungible tokens. Last month, its NFT weekly sales surged to $75 million, while Ethereum's weekly sales were at $72 million. In addition, Solana's on-chain transaction volume reached a peak of over $26 billion on December 22, while Ethereum set a record of $16 billion that day. In terms of development activity in the past 30 days, Cardano was listed as a top network. This took place at the end of December, followed by Polkadot, Kusama, and Avalanche. The image below depicts the competition for the largest blockchain TVL in 2023, excluding Ethereum. Overall, the landscape of blockchain and cryptocurrency is constantly evolving, with new contenders entering the arena and shifting the balance of power in the market. It will be interesting to see how these dynamics continue to unfold in the coming years. (Credit: Photo by FLY:D on Unsplash)