[币圈大佬]ETHTaipei 2024 扬帆起航

大佬 币圈 币圈大佬 2024-03-01 51

[币圈大佬]ETHTaipei 2024 扬帆起航

Ether is the second largest cryptocurrency in terms of market value and is the largest public chain platform in the world, with the most active community of developers. In April of last year, the first ETHTaipei Ethereum developer conference was held in Taipei, attracting thousands of developers from around the world to exchange cutting-edge Ethereum technology, receiving unanimous praise. In order to continue last year's success, ETHTaipei 2024 will be held from March 21st to 24th again.

Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, will personally come to Taiwan to give a speech and share the latest developments and trends of Ethereum. V God is one of the most influential leaders in blockchain technology globally, and his speech will be a highlight of this conference. At the same time, with the formal inclusion of EIP-4844, which is critical for the future of Layer 2, in the Ethereum network, Vitalik will also discuss the progress and future of Ethereum network expansion with other leaders of Layer 2 technologies.

Internationally renowned teams and developers gather

The event will last for four days, including two days of international seminars and three days of hackathons.

The seminar will focus on hot topics such as ZK, DeFi, and Security, inviting experts and scholars from well-known teams such as Ethereum Foundation, Perpetual Protocol, Geth, Gnosis, and Dedaub to give speeches. The themes cover Ethereum upgrades, MEV, Layer2, DeFi, AA, information security, etc., and panel discussions will be arranged for industry elites to share insights and spark more ideas.

The hackathon will start in the evening of March 22nd, and a 24-hour Hacker House will be provided on site. Developers need to complete work on selected topics within 40 hours and compete for rich prizes provided by different vendors. The hackathon is free to sign up, and there will be various workshops during the hacking period, allowing developers not only to learn from each other, but also to have the opportunity to communicate directly with the industry. This year, there will be opportunities for job matching, giving developers the chance to not only win prizes but also potentially receive job offers.

Partnership with Consensys, BTSE, XY Finance and others

The ETHTaipei event was jointly launched by nine passionate developers, including Perpetual Protocol, the most influential person in the annual blockchain of Taiwan, Feng Yanwen, co-founder of imToken, Chen Changwu, as well as Zhu Xuanting, co-founder of Furucombo, Anderson Chen, co-founder of Diamond Protocol, and Li Songsheng, developer relations officer of Quantstamp.

This ETHTaipei has also partnered with several well-known companies, including Nuvo, XY Finance, Consensys, MintClub, Ora, BTSE, Lita, Zircuit, Harvest Finance, Dyson Finance, and Term Structure, among others. They will set up booths at the event to introduce the latest blockchain products to developers and engage in discussions.

For all developers who want to gain in-depth knowledge of the latest Ethereum technology and trends, this will be a rare opportunity for learning and networking.

ETHTaipei Event Information

Date: 2024/3/21(Thu)~ 3/24(Sun)

Location: Nangang Bottle Cap Factory

Ticket purchase and event information: https://ethtaipei.org/

Media Contact

ETHTaipei Team


Zhang Zhiyun Hana 0975-856-705

Ceng Yanjing Amazing 0966-692-739
